{age: almost 5 years}
august l998maggie watching general conference
{age: almost 14 years)
october 2007
Diamond Margaret {aka}
came into the world on
28 October 1993
came into the world on
28 October 1993
as to where
elder romney would go
{with shaky hand & letter opener
passed from friend to friend
expressly for the purpose of
opening these important envelopes}
elder romney beginning to read{note the envelope covering the letter ~
exposing only one line at a time}
the letter & the call . . .{she was playing the part of the
"cryer" tonight since
i'd already had my own episode
when i went to get the mail this afternoon}
addi was excited since her guess was . . .mexico
having an only boy be your youngest child.
i can't even describe how much
i'll miss this wonderful son
who always behaves & makes us laugh.
we are so proud of him!
red bosch . . .
. . . make a big mess . . .disgustingly filthy sink . . .
. . . dirty every dishyou own {almost} . . .
. . . pop these beauties outin about 55 minutes . . . . . . repeat x 60 loaves . . .
. . . deliver to wonderful
friends&neighbors . . .
*{made by "the secret mexican" ~
aka my brother
~ who won a salsa-making contest
in the town of queen creek!}
these pjs are,
in fact, suitable for sleepwear . . .
they're especially fun to wearwhile being chased
by a puppy named
if you have jammies this cute
for your grandbabies . . .
. . . would you waituntil christmas
to give them?
where amanda&brent
moved out of yesterday
{single tear [for me], but
happy new home owning [for them]} . . .. . . remember the quilt?
i found a happy home for it . . .
. . . this buffet belonged to my
great grandmother rogers . . .
living/home teaching room . . .
to shesgotitall.net . . .
. . . love it! thanks so much
vicki, shalae & suzanne! . . .
many years of
collecting shtuff . . .