. . . yes, OUT! . . .
. . . something tells me the cheesy grin
has been wiped off this cute face today . . .
. . . especially after one night in the hospital already . . .
. . . on pitocin and off pitocin
and now back on again . . .
. . . so while she's contracting
and counting the minutes
until they crank up the epidural . . .
. . . the blocks went together like a dream . . .
. . . probably the easiest
~ yet with the most bang for the buck ~
that i've ever made . . .
. . . because hey! look . . .
. . . no half-square triangle points to match . . .
{more like one-third square triangles ~ but i'm no good at math!}
. . . also none of the bulk in the corners
usually associated with
matching {or perhaps unmatching ~ as they sometimes are} points . . .
. . . and i'm always thrilled
when i see a quilt i've pieced
after it's been so skillfully machine quilted . . .
. . . i'm a big fan
of using up every scrap possible
on the back . . .
. . . even though sometimes
it looks exactly like i was trying to
use up every scrap possible
on the back! . . .
. . . and you can't have a proper quilt
without a proper quilt name . . .
. . . i've explained this before,
but only my family thinks it's funny . . .
. . . brief recap: amanda had a baby in may.
his name is cameron.
amelia doesn't have a name for her baby yet
or simply won't tell us what it is.
hence ~ amanda started calling amelia's baby ferris ~
you know ~ as in cameron and ferris ~ bffs . . .
if so ~ i weep for the future! go ahead and youtube that}
. . . i digress . . .
. . . so ~~~ now we wait . . .
. . . but, hopefully, not too much longer,
before we find out
what tyler and amelia name their baby . . .
. . . not that it really matters . . .
. . . i'll have a hard time calling him anything but ferris . . .

This is adorable. Good work Steph! We hope to see Ferris on the next post:)
you are the master. beauty. full. full of beauty.
and lol, cameron & ferris. hilarious!
i'm shocked that you are telling us this quilt was easy. i know you're a pro- but it looks totally complicated. i love the border!!!
congrats amelia & tyler!
So cute so cute! i heard about his arrival... hope meems is ok and all and little Ferris is ready for his debut! {ahem... you WILL be posting updates soon, right?}
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