. . . born at 9:50pm . . .
. . . 23 august 2011 . . .
. . . by last minute c-section . . .
. . . after thirty hours of labor . . .
. . . weighing in at seven pounds three ounces . . .
. . . twenty-one inches long . . .
. . . already needing a haircut . . .
. . . sporting plenty of bruises . . .
. . . including one that looks like
{just as i predicted}
. . . meet colby tyler johnson . . .
. . . congratulations to amelia and tyler . . .
. . . they were champs throughout . . .
. . . and it certainly was no cakewalk . . .
. . . you know what that means . . .
. . . leave a comment
for a chance to win
your choice of oops! . . .

Aww how cute. Congrats to Amelia and Tyler. Hope they are doing good. Also congrats to you on being a grandma again. Miss you guys hope to see you soon.
Look at all that dark hair. (and cone head to go with it) That's a real sign of a trooper mom!! Ouch! Hope Amelia is doing okay. Kelsey is going to be induced on Monday if she doesn't deliver before then.
So excited he is finally here! Love the name Colby! Congratulations Tyler and Amelia and Grandma and Grandpa!
WOW! Poor little guy & poor Amelia...she has been thru sooo much! So glad everyone is ok. I love all that hair! Thanks for the stats...I've been waiting! Tell her congrats for me!!! & Congrats to you grammy!
Way to go to Amelia for that long of labor! I've been a silent reader for a few years now, I use to be in Amber's ward...i'm not a creepy creeper.
Congrats on another grandbaby!
He is so cute, I can't wait to see him in person. Congrats Tyler & Amelia!
Poor little guy, and poor little Amelia! Wishing the new family all the best.
PS-great name!
Bless her heart!!!!!! He is a little doll...looks like a bit of stardust fell from heaven for sure! One of Nikki's was bruised so bad that the hospital put a note in his crib that said YES I am bruised! He totally looked like a beautiful black baby.......CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
Congrats to Amelia & Tyler! I hope she's recuperating well. 36 hours and THEN a c-section? I thought 18 hours followed by a c-section was rough! Glad everyone is healthy and well.
Congrats! That is brutal. Hope she recovers quickly. He's a doll. And Ferris...Colby...still a cutie.
Congratulations! He is adorable!!
Isn't he just s sweetheart - and his bruised face does look like ty's manbeard! i love it! i hope meems is ok. bless her for such a long road for such a small little guy!! yuck.
I'm so happy for little Colby Tyler(gave me goose bumps to read his official name) to get here. I love his name, his hair, not loving the mischief surrounding his birth, but thankful that he is here safely. He is so stinking cute. I want to meet him now! Our love to the new little family.
Just a shame mom and baby had to go through so much, but I'm so happy that he is here. Love his hame, and he is just adorable. Congrats on a new grandbaby!
Congrats Amelia, Tyler and Grammy Steph! What a cutie....he will be a heart breaker for sure!
Darling! I don't know why they let these little girls go through 30 hours of labor when they are most likely going to end up doing a c-section anyway. Same thing happened to my daughter in law. Hope everyone is doing ok. He is darling! Panda
So cute (even with the beard!) I really love the name since I named my first-born Colby! Congrats!
Oh,oh,oh. I am in love with him! And you are right, he DOES have his dad's shadow of a beard! So cute. Congrats!!!
Giveaway or not it is imperative I leave a message anyway! He is so dang cute and looks like such a stud already! Way to go Amelia our babies can be bff's since they are just days apart. CONGRATS!!
Congrats to Tyler and Amelia! And to grandma too! Love the name!
hoping for round two! (:
congrats amelia & tyler!! he's a cutie!
Oh my goodness he is soooooo beautiful!!
He has stolen my heart, for sure. Adorable & has amazing full lips! Congrats, little sister & T-Jo!
Congratulations! So sorry for the long labor and then C-Section. Glad he is here safe and sound. Love his hair!!!!
Congrats to them! Hopefully Amelia gets back on the bloggin bandwagon now that she has such a cute lil guy to blog about!
Congratulations, your quilt is very nice. A long labor but so worth it!
Beth F.
Glad Ferris is really Colby. What caused all the brusing? Poor baby..and poor mama!
30 hours!!! Oh my. I have a Colby. Love that name :)
Congrats he is adorable!! Suzie Riggs was telling me about his "beard" today at work and I was dying! He is so cute!!
He is a cutie!! How many grand kids does this make?
really...so happy for the little mimers (mee-mers) getting him out. now the fun begins. hope he's WAY more mellow for her this first year than she was for you ...and our card games. Love the name, although I know he'll always be ferris in your heart. Congrats.. P.S. not fair...you passed me up on grandbabies!
p.s. word verification - paerm...you know...like his hair looks already!
Poor Amelia!!!!! But you have to admit, he has the most beautiful little newborn face.
Awe.. Seriously a cutie. Even though it took a while glad everyone is doing well! Congrats!
Congratulations Amelia and Grandma Steph! Hope her recovery goes well and that Colby is a blissful baby. She deserves it for all her hard work and sacrifice.
Oh my gosh he is jut so tiny and sweet and yummy! I LOVE his dark hair and it looks curly! Love the name although I have to say, a little sad it isn't Ferris:) Congrats to you all and I hope Amelia recovers quickly! Enjoy that sweet baby!!
Congrats Amelia and Tyler! Colby is darling and phew...what a debut! Here's to a speedy recovery for all. xo
what a miracle. BEAUTIFUL. makes me tear up. i LOVE me a newborn...and he's just precious. *that hair!! congratulations romney/johnson family!!!
He is beautiful. Love those sweet little men.congrats to the mimi.
Oh man...just reading this post made me feel EXHAUSTED! Bless her heart...and his. Wow. Congratulations to the whole family.. a newborn is just the best thing ever :) Enjoy Colby!
Congratulations to Amelia and Tyler, he is so cute.
What a little miracle! Congratulations to the whole family!
Congrats Tyler and Amelia! I love his dark hair:)
How wonderful... congratulations!!! My friend is giving away some cute fabric check out my blog to see what she's offering... I totally thought of you when I saw her post :)
Yay I love new babies! And I love love love your oops! They are my favorite for my son.
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