. . . everyone who commented
after cameron was born . . .
{even those whose comments were deleted
{if i'm being honest ~ they were just scattered in a pile on the desk beside me}
. . . the first six randomly drawn names
are winners . . .
{although i admit that when i picked bill's name i did throw it back}
. . . congratulations! . . .
. . . hopefully you'll come pick up your prizes soon . . .
{you have your pick of one regularly priced $12.00 oops!}
. . . and as luck would have it ~
i have lots to choose from right now . . .
. . . first come ~ first served . . .
{try to come before the end of next week because we
[and when i say "we", of course i mean "bill"]
are having surgery again on friday}
***mindi! i don't know how to contact you.
call me. hurry. you're having a baby soon!***

Boo!! I thought for sure I would win.. Oh, well. Next time :)
woo hoo!!!!!!!!!! i'll have my mom come pick one out for me! thanks so much!!!!
It's my lucky day! I'm so excited! I never win anything! Thank you! I'll be over soon!
NOW what will Mike have to wipe my chin in my old age? Boo! Can you make one in OSU Beaver orange and black? (j/k for now)
too bad i lost....i love your ooops! oh and i didn't know you and charlie were so tight, that's funny :)
I am so excited! Our little Addison, all 9lbs of her arrived on May 15th! I would love to come pick something out, but no hurry. Whenever your life gets back to normal. I hope your husbands surgery went well. I can come over or send my mom over to get it for me. Thanks Stephanie! You can reach me at mindihall@hotmail.com
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