. . . cameron and i
want to take this opportunity . . .
to come pick up your oops! . . .
. . . cheryl came as soon as
she found out
her name'd been drawn . . .
. . . and just looky how excited she is! . . .
. . . i might be a little tricky
to get ahold of this weekend . . .
{and selfishly ~ i'd like to request your prayers for bill ~
because this surgery's just got to work!
bless his heart.}

love that boy. love that your flower is bigger than his head. love that dad is currently in surgery & i have all the faith in the world that he's gonna be as good as new in a few weeks!
aw, hi tiny perfection of a baby. he's precious! congratulations amanda + family. and congratulations on those amazing yellow curtains. omg. tdf. you've outdone yourself again steph.
oh, and hi cheryl!
i love this blog. it's so fun.
ps: prayers ♥
good luck to your hubby - our family's prayers are with you. And snuggle up that darling new baby!
Okay, clearly a few days late here...that baby is adorable! And how did the surgery go? How long does it take to tell if it worked? You are an angel to handle all of this with such grace. Not joking.
I cannot wait to get my hands on this baby today. I have missed him and his big brother. And, yes, I noticed your flower is larger than his head. "Go big or go home" should be your motto.
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