about the object of the game . . .

. . . no girly ice cream party is complete without a camo blindfold . . .

being the 'holder' . . .

. . . "let's get this straight . . .
. . . there's a stick and
i'm SUPPOSED to hit something with it?" . . .

being made of a pizza box
and then covered with burlap and all . . .

. . . for ice cream sundaes . . .

. . . halleigh proved once again that
she is, in fact, allergic to ice cream . . .

. . . gift opening always starts out

. . . cinderella with her magic wand was a big hit . . .

. . . ashtyn brought a darling yellow purse . . .

. . . barbie clothes have soooooo many tiny pieces . . .

. . . good thing darby was there to clean up . . .

. . . tate decided he'd rather chill
on mom & dad's bed
with his elmo slippers and toy story . . .
. . . he did make a brief appearance
to check out the loot -
note the sticker bracelet and glue sticks . . .

. . . he busted some sweet moves with balloons . . .

. . . he modeled mrs. potato head's specs . . .

. . . brent terrorized the baby . . .

. . . amanda practiced being a boy mom . . .

. . . all in all, it was a pretty good day . . .

. . . it's great to be six! . . .