. . . i am seriously on a roll . . .
. . . here's the next installment of
row along . . .
. . . fall leaves . . .
. . . "swirling or twirling
or blowing around
in the
chilly autumn wind leaves" . . .
{lori's words}
. . . she posted this row
the day before thanksgiving . . .
. . . you know ~
when there was
actually supposed to be
chilly autumn wind . . .
. . . well ~ autumn/winter
happened here in arizona
just last week . . .
. . . that's when
all the leaves finally finished
falling from my trees . . .
. . . so i guess now's
as appropriate a time as any for me
to get this row put together . . .
{today is super cloudy and grey
and our grass is suffering the effects
of last week's below-freezing temperatures}
. . . now let me tell you
all the things i don't like
about my row . . .
. . . my ocd-ness would
not let me make
any pink or blue or grey leaves . . .
. . . only "real" leaf colors . . .
. . . then ~ since i only used
four color families
and there are only four directions
in which to turn the blocks ~
i wound up
with all the same color leaves
facing the same direction . . .
. . . dumb ocd-ness . . .
. . . i wish i could make myself
be purposefully random . . .
. . . here's a little more ocd-ness
for you . . .
{total number of pieces in row 7: 177}
{total number of pieces in rows 1-7: 853}

1 comment:
Do I see Leopard in those leaves? Congratulations on getting another row complete!
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