. . . we're so lucky
we've got crafty
and creative daughters . . .
. . . bless their hearts . . .
. . . they seriously have
to wrack their brains
over gifts to give their dad . . .
. . . trust me . . .
. . . he has plenty of pajama pants . . .
. . . from me . . .
. . . that's all i can ever think of
to get for him! . . .
. . . this fathers day candy bar poster
they came up with was darling . . .
. . . and very nicely made,
i might add! . . .
. . . here's the whole thing . . .
. . . now ~ let's break it down . . .
. . . and i'll translate . . .
dad: your runts and grandbabies
want to take uno momento
to tell you how much our pop rocks
you are the "swed"est dad
you're always extra nice
you're never too cool to act
like a nerdy airhead
your [tricks] always manage
to make us snicker
thanks for putting up
with us goobers and duds
and krabby patties
your life lately has been a sour patch
you're good at rolling with the punches
hope you have a great payday
and take time
to enjoy the simple pleasures ~
you're our lifesaver
love you to pieces,
the three musketeers ("amber...aman...amel...
and mr. goodbar
(aka golden child)

How sweet and clever! Now that is heartfelt gift --
K. Your kids are darling!!! I love them all and I approve this message to Bill. What a great guy! I hope he had an awesome Father's Day!!!
That is just wonderful! What an awesome gift!
OH MY STARS!!!!!!!!!!!! Adorable!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Pretty pretty special if you ask me.....I know you didn't hahaha but I LOVE IT!!!!
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