. . . sometimes i like to ask myself . . .
"what was i doing a year ago right now?"
. . . boy, oh, boy . . .
. . . do i ever remember this week last year!
sunday ~ baccalaureate
. . . a really nice meeting,
especially since i
absolutely despise
graduation itself . . .
monday ~ graduation party
. . . celebrating drew and brad
{thanks so much to the sherwood family
for being such gracious hosts}
tuesday ~ seminary graduation
. . . always wonderful . . .
. . . i love seeing that
big group of great kids
with common dreams and goals . . .
{we won't talk about the fact
that i squeaked in just in time
since my car was involved
in an unfortunate accident
only a couple of hours
before the meeting.
no one was hurt.}
wednesday ~ wedding dinner
. . . for all of our
wonderful friends and family
{thanks again to the johnsons . . .
♥love♥ them!}
thursday ~ mhs graduation
. . . again, not my favorite,
what with the air horns,
tacky people hollering
through the entire ceremony,
and general disrespect . . .
there! . . . i said it and i'm glad.
. . . seriously, it's out of control . . .
. . . but that didn't make me
any less proud
of this cute graduate . . .
. . . and his fellow sister mhs graduates . . .
. . . and his amazing friends,

who i also love - all of you! . . .
{it's mind boggling to think of
how scattered this group is
just one year later}

friday ~ wedding
. . . this cute couple . . .

were there to lend support . . .

bill was holding little man tate
and who knew that the stomach of
a one-year-old could hold so much
and it could come up so violently?}
drew to drive all the way home
and return with another suit
and every single other article of clothing
a person might wear,
since it all got "drenched". . .

run by my pro friends . . .
than i've ever seen . . .
{cute food was soon to come -
but look at those mini sugar cookies -
the best you'll taste}

aka the best friends in the world . . .
. . . a one-of-a-kind wedding cake

{oh, my goodness} . . .

. . . practically perfect in every way
and i can't believe it's been a year already . . .

Woah, woah, woah..... You beat me to the punch in posting all these pictures! NOT FAIR! You're way on top of it (and early too). I'm sure I can find some others to post that aren't the same and maybe some that are! Oh well. What a post mom! Thanks for dealing with all that shiz, all in the same week (and for forgiving me for crashing your car!). You rock!
Has it really been a year?! Craziness. The Dream Team really is amazing! It's weird to see Chris wearing glasses now. I enjoyed this post thoroughly! Good job, Mama!
Wow, that was a busy week for you. It is hard to believe how fast a year can slip by, but fun to reflect back on all the fun.
Oh my goodness, that wedding is the most amazing thing I have seen in my life! And that crazy week reminds me of three years ago when I got married...Monday: wedding pictures, Tuesday: Scott and Alisse's wedding dinner, Wednesday: Scott and Alisse's wedding, Thursday: my wedding dinner, and Friday: my wedding! Why in the world do we all make such crazy plans?
Also, I have been noticing that I really like that you make all of your posts at an even o'clock...very OCDish, and I think that I may start copying you. :)
seriously I am so so glad that I got married before Amelia for one reason and one reason only. I could never ever ever ever have competed with that party since I had the same colors. Phew! I am glad I didn't have to.
Dear My Idol,
THAT WEDDING LOOKED AMAZING!!! As I'm sure it was. Holy cow the decor was straight out a magazine, not to mention the cutness family and the little girlie outfits?! The list could go on and on!! Seriously amazing.
Wishing I could throw a party like you do,
Amanda Porter
How fun to look back at such an incredible week! All weekend I kept saying at this time last year I was at the statue of liberty, or seeing wicked, or eating cupcakes...yep, I was living it up in NYC! Wish I would have thought to do something cute like this! What a great idea for a post!
Um, that wedding is to DIE for! I know everyone else has said the same thing but - AMAZING!!!!
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