. . . there's been a little excitement this evening
in the 'hood . . .
. . . involving the three patrol cars
you see here . . .
. . . plus {i'm sure} at least that many more
down the street to the right . . .
. . . officers in body armor with really big guns . . .
. . . dogs . . .
. . . megaphones and shouting stuff like
"come out with your hands up!" . . .
. . . a concussion grenade {um ~ they're LOUD} . . .
. . . a {really noisy} chopper that kept circling
and circling and circling and circling . . .
. . . and a pretty dumb criminal . . .
. . . they found him in a tree . . .
. . . but my favorite part of the whole episode . . .
. . . was watching our friendly {off-duty}
neighborhood policeman . . .
{you can see him below in khaki shorts/white t-shirt listening to his radio}
. . . "put me in coach! i'm ready to play" . . .
. . . thankfully ~ all's quiet now . . .
***read terri's comment . . .
this all happened AT HER HOUSE!!!!***
*****THEN . . . click over to Double A's blog
to read an official account*****

And??? Don't leave us hanging...what did this guy do to attract all this attention?
Jumped our fence and hid on our roof. They thought he was in our home for a while. So glad they got him before he got someone!
We watched from the other side of the "hood". So grateful for those who protect and serve. The feeling of safety prevailed throughout the ordeal. Glad the hood is safe once again.
I got the scoop from Lori T. who was held-up (maybe not the right words to use...you know the grapevine thing) in her home by orders from the Police to "stay in your home and lock your doors"! Scary incident in an otherwise fairly "quiet" neighborhood. Oh and Kenny counted, I think, 13 Police cars just on their street. Who knows how many were in the cul-de-sac behind them!
Put me in coach? Haha. I was in the game.
I forgot to say my version of the events is on the link I left in the last comment to my blog. For an hour or so, it was like a work picnic in our neighborhood, friends and co-workers havin a little party in our hood.
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