. . . i was born in mesa, arizona . . .
. . . i know it's coming . . .
. . . it always has . . .
. . . it's hot here . . .
. . . and right about now . . .
. . . it'll start getting sticky, too . . .
. . . but it seems like as i get older . . .
. . . my comfort zone is shrinking . . .
. . . i'd be happy as a clam
if it never got hotter than 80 degrees . . .
. . . or colder than 60 . . .
{okay ~ fine . . . 85 and 55}
. . . so in honor of the heat . . .
. . . i whipped up a quadruple batch
of the most delicious dressing . . .
. . . it's pretty warm, too ~ thanks to
a healthy dose of roasted jalapenos . . .
. . . and tomatillos . . .
. . . and cilantro . . .
. . . and speaking of hot . . .
. . . we cooled things off . . .
. . . with this refreshingly fruity all~american salad . . .
{thanks for the tip, karen!}

Let's move to California! Who needs this weather? I saw that salad earlier this week. Yum-O!
I also "cooked" this salad for dinner today...I was not about to eat anything hot.
Steph! I know I'm one of MANY Mesa-raised moms who feels this way, and you probably tire
of hearing it, but I have to tell you how much I love your Oops! Rags!! They are darling, perfectly sized, super absorbent, and the best gift you could have possibly
given us in anticipation of our little boy. Thank you, thank you for the generous gift! We are putting them to very good use!!
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