. . . this is the time of year when,
if i see someone smoking or drinking hot coffee,
i really don't get it . . .
. . . i mean ~ you know ~
it's already hot hot hot
and then to think of putting extra hot stuff
inside your body . . .
. . . anyway . . .
. . . now, salsa? . . .
. . . that's a completely different story . . .
. . . any time is salsa time . . .
. . . if there's no salsa in the fridge,
i hear about it, too! . . .
. . . sometimes even my neighbors
get a little miffed if i'm out . . .
{hi, sheena!}
. . . i get asked about this recipe a lot . . .
. . . so here goes . . .
. . . but, keep in mind this is more of a method
than exact quantities . . .
. . . much is left up to individual taste . . .
{i must give credit where credit is due.
my amazing neighbor taught me how to do this many years ago.
thanks renee!}
. . . here's the cast of ingredients . . .
- canned tomatoes ~ i like to use one really big can from costco {i forgot to see how many lbs/oz it was, but it's about the size of a gallon of milk ~ if you can picture that} you can use whole peeled or my favorite ~ ready cut/diced {you get more tomatoes per can that way}
- 6 fresh jalapenos {we like it spicy, but jalapenos vary in hotness depending on where they're grown/time of year/size}
- 3 fresh green chilis {these are not spicy ~ they just have great flavor}
- 2 bunches green onions
- 2 bunches cilantro
- 4 cloves garlic
- heaping tablespoon kosher salt
. . . start with a hot skillet . . .
. . . wash the jalapenos and green chilis . . .
. . . roast 'em up . . .
. . . no oil needed . . .
. . . let the skins char and blister . . .
. . . remove from heat . . .
. . . wash and drain cilantro . . .
{easiest way ~ fill your sink with cold water.
dunk and swish the bunches. dirt sinks to the bottom}
. . . trim roots from green onions . . .
. . . lop off cilantro
just above the rubber band . . .
{i use leaves, stems and all}
. . . place cilantro
on top of green onion slices . . .
. . . they're blurry,
but they're under there . . .
. . . mince onions and cilantro
until desired size . . .
. . . remove and discard stems
from chilis and peppers . . .
. . . if you can handle the heat {i can} ~
leave the seeds and veins in . . .
. . . peel garlic cloves . . .
{and whatever you do ~ don't wash your cutting board in between steps! :) }
. . . toss garlic, chilis and peppers
into blender canister . . .
. . . something like a fancy vitamix
would be fun to use . . .
. . . blend it up . . .
. . . let it get good and pureed . . .
. . . pour into a good sized mixing bowl . . .
. . . continue blending
{probably two more blenders full}
tomatoes . . .
. . . stir to combine . . .
. . . add kosher salt . . .
. . . now ~ taste it . . .
. . . i've got two of those in the fridge . . .
. . . leave me a comment
if you want to come pick one up . . .

I think I'm first! I would LOVE one! (if you choose #1 Mac (and I of course) would be soooo happy.
mmmmm your salsa is delightful i must say. it takes me back to when i was in mutual. seems like oh so long ago..
One in our fridge please! So good!
sounds yummy! I think chips and salsa should be included as a staple food.
we ♥ your salsa....and really missed it on sunday. we are leaving to stay the weekend with the yamamotos up north and i think a big jar of steph's salsa would be a nice addition to the trip :)
Have those jars already been picked up? Cause I think I really need one...I'm pregnant AND I'm MEXICAN!!!
I am definitely trying this one cause it looks AMAZING and there really is nothing better than homemade salsa! You are pretty much a BRILLIANT woman and I love reading your blog!
Feel free to send that back on the plane with Geoff.
Thank you! SOOOOOOO yummy! um...did we just tag that whole jar in one sitting? I think the answer is YEP! Thanks again! Love it!
muey gracias seniorita. most deliciousomosomo. made my beans so muey snappy last evening. you are the muey bombito and so neato! dont you just love my spanish! Thanks! It was awesome as usual...and came at a much needed time!
Thanks for the recipe! We have been the recipient of your yummy goodness many times. My favorite was the sympathy salsa when Sparkey died! I will try and duplicate it, but it always seems to taste better when someone else makes it!
si, i second that gracias to renee. this salsa is a huge staple at our house. my meals are almost never complete without this salsa. delicious-o!
My mom said she made it & really liked it (and that it makes a ton!)!!! I'm going to give it a try, too! And please keep sharing your recipes! I love them! Your cafe rio-ish sauce is a HIT whenever I make it!! Oh, how I love that stuff!!! ;)
yum! ever need any tomatoes?
with a Mexican husband I get them all the time and we cook caliente also. LOL
Thank you so much for the recipe! I have such good memories of how yummy Renee's salsa was when we lived there and made it yesterday. Wow! It's a big hit! I think this could become a family staple.
Well....I can see I am waaaaaay too S L O W..........it looks yummy! I loved anything Renee' would ever share with us.....she was my visiting teacher MANY MOONS ago..............she's the BEST....just like you...but if you ever want to trade straight across for a pan of cinnamon rolls....I'M there! Of course you probably do that way better than me too...hahaha
I was so going to ask you for this recipe today when you come to VT me... hahahahahaha... I love that you blog and the way you blog and how happy I feel after I read your blog :)
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