. . . there was actually a raindrop tonight . . .
. . . see it? . . .
. . . there ~ on halleigh's shirt . . .
. . . oh ~ and another on addi's face . . .
. . . not too much success catching them on tongues, though . . .
. . . tate was really concerned . . .
. . . after two seconds outside in the "rain" . . .
. . . he said, "i need my jacket!" . . .
{you know ~ what with the thermometer reading a chilly 108 degrees at 8 pm and all}
{i'm not giving up on a real storm yet ~ lightning's still flashing and thunder's still crashing}

nice how my kids look a little dubbya-tee, especially halleigh with her shirt about two sizes too small! but those three raindrops entertained those kids thoroughly. what a tease!
cuteness... Oh I was hearing the little pitter patter on the sun roof and waiting for the down pour but was totally let down instead.
I sooooooo love reading your blog! I wish I wasn't so lazy and would stop by more often.
BTW, I'm moving next month... to Kauai! This is going to be another tough journey but so is life :)
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