. . . cleaning out my binder
for church tomorrow . . .
. . . i knew i had some of
these reinforcer thingies somewhere . . .
. . . i found 'em, alright . . .

. . . and, wow!, i feel really really really old . . .
. . . does anyone else remember skaggs? . . .

I so remember Skaggs. I am old too!
Oh yeah. Skaggs was my store.
Oh heavens...I loved SKAGGS! When you think of it...what a yucky name for a store!
Oh yes Skaggs, like maybe I worked there! Still sticky, that's value.
oh ya...Skaggs...in Sugar House {SLC} We went there ALL the time. It is still there but now a different name. I'm thinking Osco? bought them out. That was a trip down memory lane! :)
skaggs was the bomb. when I would baby sit and save up oh say about 7 dollars until I thought I was really rich, I would get on my bike and take a hike down to Skaggs. I loved even the smell of it. I would go straight to the paper goods row and look at every stapler, marker, tray organizer, specialty paper, new pens, tape holders, etc. I usually didn't buy much but I daydreamed a lot about that stuff. Is that weird? Maybe that's why I've ended up working in an office for 15 years where I can get all that stuff for free to use while there and don't even have to part with my $7 I've saved and held on to. That usually goes straight into the cold diet coke vending machine or if I'm trying really hard, I only part once a week on a butterfinger or something that really hits the spot. And between the two of them I do almost spend $7 bucks. Those were the days though. Many, many memories at Skaggs, Grants and TG&Y.
I do remember Skaggs, but not in Arizona....my Skaggs store was in SLC. Haha...the good ol' days.
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