. . . here's what i was doing
thirty-four years ago today . . .
. . . i posted this photo on instagram
and got a little ribbing
about my bouquet . . .
(when what i really deserved ribbing about was this super dramatic pose!)
. . . my bridal bouquet was created
by a family friend/ward member . . .
. . . lyman haws was
the owner of haws flower shop . . .
. . . i told him i wanted daffodils . . .
. . . he said, "are you sure?" . . .
. . . i was sure . . .
. . . then i think my dad told him
to be sure it made a statement . . .
. . . i think it did! . . .
. . . i've never seen anything like it . . .
. . . after posting that photo,
i received an email from a friend . . .
. . . donna told me that
lyman haws is her stepdad . . .
. . . i had no idea . . .
. . . she said, "i talked to him today and asked him if he remembered an unusual request for a wedding. he immediately said that he had done a wedding for 'ole jack davis' daughter' and she had a trailing bouquet of daffodils. he even remembers the reception. not bad for a 93-year-old man!! . . . he said that he was good friends with your dad and he was very particular about what he wanted . . . his mind is as sharp as it was 30 years ago!" . . .
. . . then she shared that
he now has a quilting machine
and that keeps him busy! . . .
. . . here he is on the day
he was teaching donna
how to use it
on her lori holt row along quilt . . .
. . . my mom loved
hearing this story . . .
. . . anyway . . .
. . . back to the fact that
today bill and i have been married
for thirty-four years . . .
. . . that's a long time . . .
. . . but not nearly long enough . . .
. . . this is for better or worse . . .
. . . for richer or poorer . . .
. . . in sickness (him)
or in health (me) . . .
. . . through thick (me)
or thin (him) . . .
. . . this is forever . . .
. . . yay! . . .

1 comment:
Happy Anniversary! Here's to 34 more!
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