i probably will miss the green
at christmas time
{i might miss MAGGIE, too}
will look so smashing
with all that red & white

i probably will miss the green
at christmas time
{i might miss MAGGIE, too}
will look so smashing
with all that red & white
just likes firetrucks {& rockets}
the little game inevitably turns into
facemaking/acting crazy/laughing uncontrollably
the end
p.s. sorry you had to look at that skeleton in my previous post for such a long time. and again, thanks to all of you wonderful friends/readers who have been asking/commenting/calling/praying for/worrying about my husband. that means so much to us. the latest news i can give you is this . . . he is still recuperating from surgery {2 sites - one in his hip/cheek, and the other right on his spine [where they actually chip away a portion of vertebrae to be able to insert electronic leads into the epidural cavity of the spinal column]} which will in itself take plenty of time . also, this week, the device itself was powered up/programmed to begin the process of confusing the pain signals the offending nerves are sending to the brain. he believes he is getting some relief from the nagging three+ year old pain. hurray! soon the process of weaning himself from extremely high levels of medication will begin. this will not be easy. he has a long way to go to regain his physical strength/functionality. so . . . what i guess i'm asking for is more support & compassion as he continues down this long, hard road. it is so refreshing, however, to see a teensy weensy light at the end of the tunnel! again . . . thank you so much. we definitely feel of your strength!
drew just came home from work
and he had the nerve
to put a dirty shirt
{one that needs to be ironed!}
in the hamper.
unfortunately . . .
good stuff never lasts.
the leaf blower & rake