halloween . . . did it
thanksgiving . . . finished
christmas . . . over
new year . . . just began
must be time for . . .
in early january
when the leaves turn golden
& fall from the trees
& during that
same brief time span,
new buds appear
fresh green leaves pop out
& johnny jump ups . . .

same brief time span,
new buds appear

well . . . they jump up
the leaf blower & rake
{oh . . . & finish putting away
the christmas decorations}
after all . . . it's practically spring

Wow, I haven't seen that tree in your backyard forever! (haven't been back there in a while)
Your pictures looks pro, you should start a side business! You are an entrepenuer already...
A few things...
1) You have one adorable family! Loved the Christmas pic (especially Drew)!
2) Congrats to Drew on the mission call to Mexico!
3) Sorry to hear about Maggie! I remember when our family dog passed - it was extremely heartbreaking!
4) Happy New Year! Love this post 'cause it got me all excited for Spring! It's too cold here & I'm hoping it's just around the corner!
Wishing you a wonderful day!
As much as I love Spring, I wish winter was around longer than just a week here in AZ! I did notice the leaves falling off your tree the other day and thought it looked so pretty amongst your flowers. Happy Spring...I guess.
Happy Spring! I was so excited yesterday when it was like 72 degrees and my boys could jump on the trampoline without layers on! Yea for the Spring - it's coming soon!
Sometimes I miss AZ weather. I've had enough snow here in Utah. . . bring on the Spring!!!!
Were you talking about JONNIE & THE SPRITES?
I can't believe those pics are in ARIZONA!! You shouls make a HUGE pile & jump in it!!
no kidding!
i was totally noticing the fall leaves all over my parents street the other day...{since there's nothin' but "awesome" desert landscaping all over my neighborhood surroundings!
happy autumn today & tomorrow...and then happy spring the next day & the next! (:
I love how you notice cool things and blog them to bring our attention to ..uh..life! Thanks. I have noticed "fall" everywhere, not mentioning my face and front, that's another blog. Just snaps to Steph for pointing out the realities in such a cute way!
i haven't commented in so long! congrats on the mission call! you are going to send the best packages. I'm sure all missionaries wish they had a mom like you. I'm so sorry about your dog maggie and she lived so long and I'm sure very happily with your cute family. Last, I def need more johnny jumpups. for sure my fav flower from age 5-well now along with lots of other flowers. this post makes me want to got to a&p.
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