. . . expecting? . . .
. . . before christmas? . . .
. . . did you get one of these
from great aunt bertha
at your baby shower? . . .

. . . sorry . . .
{go ahead and ask me sometime
what i got from great aunt-in-law, bertha,
for our wedding}
{whose bright idea was it to make blue a christmas color anyway?}
. . . accessories solve everything . . .
. . . especially if they're red . . .
. . . or white . . .
. . . or red AND white! . . .
. . . with jumbo or mini . . .
. . . jingle balls! . . .
. . . hey, aunt bertha! . . .
. . . get 'em while supplies last . . .

Oh my heck Stephanie...you are so clever....arranging them in a wreath shape and all! Love ya!
p.s. and on your so cute quilt to boot!
I need a grandbaby...
anyone, anyone?
These are adorable!
Oh my gosh these are cute and my people love them! Thanks for the special order and the christmas gift oops! What a hit. The best dressed oops baby in Utah happens to be His Royal Highness(as Jacie calls him) Baby Parker! You Rock as usual.
I agree...you're so clever to make a OOPS! wreath. I love it! Do tell...what did Great Aunt Bertha give you? Sterling silver cat salt & pepper shakers?
what's wrong with blue??
First orange, now blue...
I don't know if I can handle you hatin on my favorite colors.
cuteness. too bad my baby isn't a baby anymore. wahhh.
Is it possible to order these for like... kitchen towels? Bathroom hand towels? Visiting teacher gift towels? Just wondering.
Okay, Peg just gave me a white Oops and red oops. Can I tell you how happy I've been about that?! They are beautiful! Thank you! and can I just tell you I use them pretty much 24/7. Ya, I love them a lot. Love, Cam
I wish I had an Aunt Bertha- would you be mine??
I, like Vicki need a new grandbaby. Love your blog.
I love the dish towels how much?
So, darn cute as RED is my color also. Wow!!!!!
I never got over to buy the oops burp cloths and I will eventually here. :)
just finished 6 days of the boutique and sold 39 loaves of bread in the 1st three days. Yikes.
they don't know my secret ingredient, to a fluffy loaf!
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