. . . can we please have a moment of silence? . . .
. . . bernie is very, very sick . . .
. . . she literally quit last night . . .
. . . stopped dead in her tracks . . .
. . . a definite "no go" . . .
. . . as soon as merry&bright/red&white was finished . . .
. . . she gave up the ghost . . .
. . . hopefully {fingers crossed} she's revivable . . .
. . . but, we won't know for 10-14 days . . .
. . . which, in sewing terms, might as well be forever! . . .
{i'm cutting her some slack, what with her being 31 1/2 years old, and all}
. . . if i'm working on a special order for you,
please forgive me . . .
{only amelia and her in-laws will understand this post title}

This quite possibly could be the saddest post ever. Bernie lifts souls and makes days "merry and bright" obviously. How can any of us go on without Bernie being operational? Is she going into the hospital? Does her care-giver need a Bernie replacement or respite care till she is back on her bobbin(and I think you know what I'm talkin about) ..... wink? I could run over a let worthy machine if needed.. But either way keep me posted.. I'm just shaking my head and saying tsk,tsk,tsk......
word verification is refultic. Almost sounded like a real word.
less worthy
In the BOAT world, we keep track of their running hours. So, in the BERNIE world, one can only imagine how many running hours she would have. I think she just needs a rest. And oil. Let's hope.
bernie has served you well for many years & many projects, for sure. crossing my fingers for you!
how am i supposed to make my apron tonight?
oh, and i'm sorry your machine is tired.
Bernie has certainly outlasted Billy. Let's hope her repair work is less expensive and less frequent than Billy's!
I cant believe you have had her for 31 1/2 years. That is awesome! YOu have made so many amazing things with her!
Do you need to borrow my Bernie? She's only been used a handful of times in the six years I've had her... and at this rate she'll live to be a thousand! So, if you need to break her in for me, that's fine. I'm fairly certain I can live without her for two weeks. :)
Just thought you should know I have Bernie's sister Bernette. In fact I believe they are long lost twins...who knew! Bernette had a short hospital stay last year but recovered well. Our best goes to Bernie's speedy recovery!
I think Bernie's twin lives at my house--ahem--Bernie's dusty twin. They even have matching red cases. Dusty or not, love my Bernie. Hope yours is feeling better soon.
So.sorry. Not.cool.
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