18 February 2012

. . . snaptism . . .

. . . i have a very creative friend . . .
. . . she also bakes
the BEST cookies . . .
. . . she is the brains
behind snaps . . .

. . . all i needed to say was:
"yo, peg! what about snaps
for a baptism?" . . .
. . . and here's
what she came up with . . .

. . . lots of delicious cookies including
world renowned gingersnaps,
white chocolate dipped oreos
{in the shape of an '8'}
{her newest creation}
and darling baptism~related sayings
all wrapped up in adorableness . . .
. . . could it be any cuter? . . .
. . . the answer is yes . . .

. . . but only when they're held
by the birthday/baptism girl herself . . .
. . . happy "eight is great" day,
angela . . .

{and thanks a million, peg!}

1 comment:

Bill said...

That was some great lemon snap, Peg! I am sure any extras could be used for "pain relief"......if you know what I mean!