24 April 2012

. . . ripping off the bandaid . . .

. . . i could never be a nurse . . .
. . . i can't even stand 
the sight 
of bleeding paint . . .
. . . for me ~ 
taking off the tape 
is always nerve wracking . . .

. . . for years, 
i've used 
the tape and caulking 
trick . . .
. . . two problems with it:
1} there was always a little ridge
2} no skin left on my finger 
from smoothing caulk

. . . so this time, 
i used a new technique 
found on {usually} trusty 
pinterest . . .

. . . here it is in a nutshell . . .

. . . please visit
for a more detailed tutorial . . .
. . . i give it 
two very enthusiastic 
thumbs up . . .


Nanette Merrill said...

I had to read that about 10 times. I think think think I got it. Good idea.

Sassy said...

That is exactly how I do mine...my son in law SCOTT TAUGHT ME THAT WHEN i PAINTED OUR LAST HOME AND IT IS A GREAT TIP.....SADLY i ONLY GOT TO ENJOY IT FOR A COUPLE MONTHS BUT NONE THE LESS A GREAT TIP....YOUR ROOM IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!! Holy Hannah...just looked up and saw I am in caps....I am so sorry....wasn't yelling just slow this morning.....just humor me...I am not going back and changing it....hahaha I agree with the two thumbs up!!!!

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

Thanks for sharing my tip! You are too kind. I'm glad it worked for you!!