. . . have you read
that children's book? . . .
. . . if you give a mouse a cookie . . .
. . . he's going to ask
for a glass of milk . . .
. . . when you give him the milk . . .
. . . he'll probably ask you
for a straw . . .
. . . when he's finished,
he'll ask for a napkin . . .
. . . and on and on and on . . .
. . . it's an exercise
in the domino effect . . .
. . . and i'm a pro
at the domino effect . . .
. . . the three rooms
i was supposed to get done
might have grown just a little . . .
. . . so . . .
. . . the fumes are subsiding . . .
. . . and i'm still trying
to clean up drywall dust . . .
{it's my favorite. and it does not discriminate.
it goes every [freakin'] where}
. . . but i snapped
a few after photos . . .
. . . here's a before ↓ . . .
{save your tears, mimi}
. . . suffice it to say that
both the mary engelbreit room
and the phoenix suns room
now look like this ↓ . . .
. . . not terribly exciting,
but clean and unwallpapered . . .
. . . which counts for a lot . . .
. . . sewing/laundry room
before ↓ facing north . . .
. . . and after ↓ . . .
. . . cheto said to wait forty-eight hours
before putting anything on those
freshly coated countertops . . .
. . . i'm waiting at least a week . . .
. . . now, look through that doorway . . .
. . . notice anything different? . . .
. . . no more stripes . . .
{if you give a mouse a cookie!}
. . . and after pricing new light fixtures,
i decided i'd rather
spend seven dollars
on a can of spray paint . . .
. . . formerly polished brass . . .
. . . now oil-rubbed bronze . . .
{i even did it myself}
. . . also ~ it's amazing
how much improvement
you can make
by running the glass shades
through the dishwasher! . . .
. . . good as new . . .
. . . laundry room before ↓
facing south . . .
. . . and after ↓ . . .
. . . i tried . . .
. . . i really tried
to talk myself into a pretty
pale aqua/blue/teal color . . .
. . . i just couldn't do it . . .
. . . i guess i'm just
a green girl at heart . . .
. . . this shade is called
calla lilly
by dunn edwards . . .
. . . now ~ take a peek
through that doorway . . .
. . . my favorite change of all . . .
{mouse ~ cookie}
. . . one more section
of oak cabinetry gone . . .
. . . by the way ~
white lacquer is really smelly . . .
. . . but so so pretty . . .
. . . this is what my kitchen looks like
in my dreams . . .
. . . one of these days . . .
. . . new and fresh is a real nice color, isn't it? . . .

It looks amazing! Cheto rocks.
Holy cow! Who needs Ty Pennington when you've got Cheto?! It looks fabulous and fresh! La-la-looooove!
I WANT that bronze spray paint for my folks' 1980's decorated condo! Color and vendor please.
Oh my my my! I had a home that was head to toe wallpaper myself, loved it for the time being. But then I woke up one day and said, IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!
We went with much lighter maple cabinets, white beadboard waiscoting, and a yummy color of paint, silver sage...loved it.
Moved to our current abode, dark oak cabinetry, el cheapo wallpaper borders, horrific valances.
Painted all the cabinets white, stripped those borders, went with the silver sage again, it's a Restoration Hardware color, they know what they're doing! Lots of white beadboard, red accents abound, it is now our happy place :)
Can't wait to see more.
Love it all, Mom! It looks fabulous!
Oh everything is just beautiful! What a perfect time of year to have it all new!
wow Steph. You and your crew have worked your fingers to the bone. I am so impressed! It looks new and lovely! I may need to come over for a personal tour.
Yes...fresh is a real nice color!
It all looks so awesome...I'll bet you just can't wait to get in there and start sewing:)
Wow!! Amazing. I love the transformation. Isn't it funny how we were so happy with that look years ago. And now clean and fresh and not busy is so refreshing and wonderful. We've done similarly to our house. But the light fixture thing is still a problem. I may have to think about what you did to your fixtures....
I'd like a gigantic bag of cheetos please!!!!!
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