{village people, anyone?}
. . . one easter . . .
. . . 1989 to be exact . . .
. . . i dressed the entire family
in navy and white . . .
{when they were all still young enough to wear whatever i told them to wear}
. . . quite a departure
from the usual springy pastels . . .
. . . and i really can't wait for the day
when drew and jessalyn
have a little boy . . .
. . . why? . . .
{feel free to discuss/laugh at our perms/bangs to heaven. it's fine.}
. . . because i still have
that sweet outfit . . .
. . . and i will see
that it is worn again! . . .
{love you, drew and jess!}
. . . perhaps this nostalgia
is what inspired
today's batch of oops! . . .
. . . there's just something crisp
and kind of nautical
about this color combination . . .
. . . a couple of these
paired with a navy bloops!
would make a wonderful gift
for any new boy baby . . .
{navy blue always makes me think of "franck" from father of the bride
talking about steve martin's "nauffy blue tuxahdo"}
. . . none of these crazy girls
were wearing navy last night,
{smooth segue?}
but hanging out
with my funny daughters
is always entertaining . . .
. . . and amanda's hashtags
crack me up . . .

You are funny. Yes. I lived through that same thing. Sailor dresses for all! Navy is very hip these days.
Love that photo. What a cute ideal. Really have always liked navy and white. It just looks so clean and crisp.
Let me guess...you got it at Lads and Lassies? Remenber when that part of town was fun and safe to shop there?
Well...technically...I AM wearing navy blue in that silly photo. My polka dots are navy blue. Yes, I know I'm being a smart aleck, ;o) And, those bangs? Wow...just wow.
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