. . . alterations . . .
. . . that seems to be
the name of the game
when you're five foot nothing . . .
. . . here's what i cut off of
one pair of skinnies,
a pair of sweats,
some other black pants
and three maxi dresses . . .
. . . it's the least i could do
for the girl of the hour . . .
. . . happy number twenty-seven,
amelia . . .
. . . go, shorty . . .
. . . it's your birthday! . . .

I love those colors together. My thinking is to make a patch quilt our of really bright colors. One of these days.
I need a serious lesson in how to hem a maxi.
Yea for you!....nothing worse that all these women with maxi dresses WAY too long! PET PEEVE!
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