. . . when i should have been zagging . . .
. . . growing up ~ chevron
was my dad's gas station
{excuse me. they were referred to as service stations back in the day.}
of choice . . .
. . . up until a couple of years ago,
i would have called
the print on these ribbons
zig zag or ric rac . . .
. . . who knew? . . .
. . . now available ~
chevron oops!
for trendy babies . . .

Yes. Service. No one knows that that is today. Except in Oregon. And that's only because Oregon won't let you pump your own gas. But they don't check the oil. Booooo!
Funny. Chevron. Chevron. Yeah, who knew that was what they were called. Zig zag in my day.
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