this is halleigh, which fyi, rhymes with *rally* as opposed to rhyming with *daily*. she was born 4 years ago - the cutest/pinkest little girl you've ever seen. just look at her . . .
if she'd waited only one more day to come into this world, she'd have been a 23rd birthday present for her mom. she looks like a present here, but that's really how she looked on her blessing day. she was lovely. grammy {that's me} made her blessing dress.
before long, she was pretty chubby & really darling - a big factor in our "merry christmas" of 2004.
there was a time when we lovingly referred to halleigh as "shadow baby". her older sister [by 15 months] has quite the personality and we were a little nervous that #2 would be a step behind. not to worry. halleigh anne can more than hold her own, & she always makes me laugh.
don't be fooled by this snow outfit . . . she's always lived in mesa/gilbert/higley/gilbert {aka . . . no need for fleece clothing} but hey, it's pink.

these days, halleigh loves to color. if you ever ask her what she did at preschool that day, the answer will be coloring, painting, or some form of artwork. here she is doing what she does every time she comes to my house.

the finished product. i think it's a picture of me.

halleigh is definitely a sass master. before her parents left recently to go on a vacation, i asked her if her other grandpa & grandma were going to sleep at her house while they babysat. without skipping a beat, she said {in her best wannabe 14-year-old attitude} "they live in michigan, HELLO!"

happy 4th birthday halleigh anne. i love you, too!

Congrats on joining the blogging world!! Who would think people our age can get all this computer technology....I think it is great! Also BTW I love your title "Stuph from Steph"...very clever!!! Now, I have another blog to stalk!!
Of course your blog is perfect and so cute. I love the colors. I want to know how you added the hearts. Did you just copy from word and then paste onto your blog? I love that you started this, it will definately be one that I stalk probably daily. If this doesn't make my mom start a blog, we're starting one for her. I love all the pictures of Halleigh. She is so cute. Happy late birthday to YOU!
Halleigh really enjoyed seeing pictures of herself on the computer. She had a big ol' grin on her face. I can't believe she's 4! Thanks for doing this I need to get on it!
Halleighlujah- you started a blog! Just get Vic on this already.
I thought I'd find some interesting pics of SHEENA!!!
BUT, I do love what you have done so far. You are such a cute g-ma... your cute at everything though.
I love being a grandma! I'll bet you are the best grandma ever. I just wanted to leave a comment about the release of Bill today, I pray his health is getting better, and that he will be in our continued prayers. Just thinking about you all right now with everything going on and all. Good luck to Drew, he will be an awesome missionary.
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