for my birthday, my dear husband {with the help of my online-shopping expert son} gifted me with a new camera. point & shoot, baby! no fancy schmancy stuff for me. my wonderful children hooked me up with photo shop elements & enrolled me in a "learn to use photo shop elements [for dummies]" class. cool, huh? so at my celebration, i did what any new camera owner would do. i handed the foreign object to my son-in-law & told him to "capture the moment", which he did. thanks, t jo. {that's what his family calls him, but i don't.} addi & halleigh were shocked/amused - as was i. there were five curly candles {each representing an entire decade} - go ahead & count them - on my german chocolate cake. {p.s. i think it's fun to request a cake that so many people won't eat because they don't like coconut.}

guess what, folks?
i'm ONLY forty-nine, thank you very much.
let's not rush things . . .

Happy Birthday Mrs. Wonderful! Hope you had a great day - but I am a little confused why your b-day scarecrow wasn't pictured??
Wow. Another blog to make my night!!! I'm so excited I'm a twitter. By the way, what jungle boy are you most like?
YAY! You figured out how to upload pictures on your blog! Before you know it, you'll be the best blogger there is because you ALWAYS figure out how to do things perfectly to a "T"!
I'm so glad your hangin' with the cool kids. I loved that post. Your right, I would never have eaten a bite of that cake. Happy Birthday!
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