i need that wrapping paper
our ikea is not a friendly place
they were sold out
the employees there are not nice
& would not go look in the back
to see if there was more
& then they make you pay
five cents for each bag you need
to package up {yourself}
the stuff you just bought there
anyway . . . the only thing left to do
was go to the next closest ikea
. . . in newport beach
it takes a village
or at least seven people & two cars
first, you gotta have stuff
to go to california
here's one person's stuff . . .
. . . two people's stuff . . .
. . . three people's stuff . . .
car number one was ready set go
peg brought trip treats to entertain us & make the time go faster
we love peg
treat #1 - sing along cd - love those
"hairspray" & michael jackson songs
treat #2 - fall-ish trail mix . . .
the one with m&ms, candy corn & peanuts
2 peanuts+1 candy corn=payday
2 peanuts+2 m&ms+1 candy corn=snickers
points awarded for creating a new candy bar wannabe
i got 10 points for this one:
1 peanut+1 m&m=peanut m&m
{but just like on "whose line is it anyway?"
. . . the points don't matter}
treat #3 - cherry carmex
great stuff
treat #4 - play doh - create an item that you'll be shopping for
i guess we're on the hunt for
purses, silk plants . . .
. . . & cinnamon rolls . . . {not sushi or tortilla wraps}
treat #5 - freshly homemade ginger snaps. . . the best known to mankind
treat #6 - people magazine style issue
points for guessing articles that might be inside
car number two artistically turned all
risque photos into modestly dressed celebrities
part of the trip was devoted to "research/development" for our quilt group
first quilt shop - not worth the trip
the best thing we saw there were
these pumpkins in the parking lot
look at those cool lighter orange/brownish onesthey were awesome shapes
but looked like they'd be
impossible to carve
love the white ones too
second quilt shop - worth the tripamazing/inspiring quilts to look at
great fabric/tools/equipment
& the most clever store name
apparentlyin newport
there is no "i". . .
. . . in keabut there is black/white
huge polka dot
wrapping paper
mission accomplished
we bought it all
don't botherwhen car number two arrived
some of us treated ourselves
to pedicures
& some of us poutedwhile we waited for them
we had dinner at
the crab cooker
{some of us}twice
same waitress both nights
& she remembered us
we took the balboa island ferrywhich was piloted by an
actor/producer/director wannabe
who took our photo
& used at least four fake accents
on the five minute float
he was awesome
we went to take a look atthe newport temple
it was beautiful
but our real destination wasthe orange county marketplace
{fancy name for swap meet}
we shopped . . .
. . . & shopped . . .
. . . & ate carnitas & churros . . .
. . . & got sunburned & had a great time
we loaded up our haul
& were almost ready to head for home
but . . . inspired by this blog postwe had another stop to make
mission accomplished
this was my view from
newport to riverside
love those cali traffic jams
on saturday late afternoon
one more fuel stop{for the car} . . .
. . . & one more fuel stop for us
i didn't realize until i got homethere was a definite theme
to my purchases
kinda halloween-ish
{without the orange}
yay for finding the wrapping paper! boo for ikea & their below-average customer service & bags that cost!
newport looks divine, as well as your cute company! 100% adorable post.
You girls know how to party hearty! I love your black & white purchases. I love my black & white shirts you got for me as well! Wore the white one today and felt very stylish. Thanks to you!
oh my gosh!! this is the best blog! you crack me up! i love that you have a blog. of course it is so cute! it seems like that was a very fun trip. how could it not with all of you guys!! it was great to see you this morning!! see ya thurday!
Ditto, Loved the post!! You, my friend, are a great blogger. Never again will I allow a sentiment to be issued from you if it includes anything less than the words, "I am queen of the blogging world. Bow down my unworthy subjects all!"(say it with one hand on your hip and one in the air holding the blogging sceptre. Girl, you rock!)
We did have a good time, dint we?
Steph: You are way better than Mary Poppins! You are Positively Perfect in every way! Thanks for a fun!!! weekend! Karen
So where else could 7 old gals get up at 4:00 a.m. (which is hard for me!) and be together in a car for 15 hours in a 42 hour span of time and have so much fun and laughter?
Kudos to Peg (the busiest humanoid on earth) for taking time out to be creative as usual and think up fun ways to make the road trip even MORE fun (as if we needed MORE?).
But it really isn't about the swap meet. It's about being blessed with some of the most kind, funny, supportive women in the world as best friends who have helped me in so many ways and set wonderful examples of getting through good and bad times. I'm the luckiest fem-fetale in the whole wide world!
Luv all yer guts immensely!
Love all the black and white purchases. You didn't happen to get 2 of those purses did you? You gals always look like you have so much fun together. I wish I can find some great life long friends to grow "up" with as well:)
OK Stephanie, can I just say "WOW" that was so much fun, I felt like I just did the trip all over again. I have an idea for a new enrichment group "blogging" and you could be the group leader. You should have used some of my pictures so you were present in more of them, but I will try and get my post done after the TREK. Just want to say thanks to all for making the trip so fun.
looks like you guys had a lot of fun!!! you should all bring your children next time! :) oh, and i am totally in love with the wrapping paper too, good call on going to cali to make sure you had some in your collection!
ya, we're all jelous. Looks like a fun girls trip. I HATE IKEA! I love this post-too much fun!
Seriously, bring your daughters with you next time!
I'm so glad you got Amber some of those shirts b/c she has been eyeing our crown one for awhile now.
Gotta love the swap meet!
Cutest post! I wish I could have been there. I agree with Becky - you all should take your daughters next time. We should rent a bus and take it there so we can all be in one vehicle. You are the best blogger. I love reading your posts, especially this one!
I'm so glad you posted about this! If you can't tell its been a while since I've checked blogger...been a little busy. I am so excited to do my post about the infamous plate holder! I look at it every time I get into my car and show everyone! Devin is going crazy cause every time we get in the car I say Devin...hey look...my car says fletcher jones and guess what...I'm a fletcher and a jones. There's one on his car too. I love them so so much. I loved your post. Your blog inspirs me to post more. I'll Have to post about everything ASAP!!!
P.S. I am also the hugest sucker for black and white. When ever I go shopping its all I manage to buy. Very cute new things. Espec they purse. And the orange county swap meet is amazing. You can always find the best jewelry there.
Okay novel complete.
The end.
Sis. Romney!!! You gals are so fun!!! I wanna hang out with you when I come back down to AZ to visit my fam-bam. I am totally crying now cuz you are so hilarious. I love your blog!
love ya,
Lynne (Fuchigami) Kahalekomo
I love this so much I can't even tell you... I love the party-girl trip that is you cute girls trapped in the car with too much creativity and a checkbook.... makes me smile. Awesometown, population: you.
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