. . . brown do for you?
doesn't it bug
when the doorbell rings
& you go to answer it
& no one is there?
except when you find
one of these . . .
handle with care"
fortunately . . .
there was lots
of cushy padding
stuff inside . . .
. . . protecting the cutest little boxes
i've seen in a long time . . .
about the boxes,
but . . .
these little beauties
which were nestled inside.
i'd ♥♥♥ to eat
mint chocolate chip
ice cream
in these,
& i don't even like
mint chocolate chip
ice cream!

a little photo shoot
with some of the other
black&white stuff
i seem to be
{& amanda for the shopping tip!}

What a delightful package! And because I'm the ultimate blog-stalker-comment-reader of Amercia, I knew you ordered these via Amanda's blog, and I was basically really jealous. Have I mentioned you have cute taste?
Oh, and I think I want to marry your craft room in the background of the 4th picture.
K. Bye.
those are SO adorable!!! jessica would love them too, cause not only are they black & white, but also polka dots! i might have to order some for her too! cute cute!
I'm happy to say I had a "I LOVE THE UPS MAN" day today too. Thanks to Rachel & Lucy! They sent me 2 carmel apple covered with Oreos and M&Ms which I think would've fit right in with your cute black & white sh-tuff.
Oh I had TWO packages come today. The other included Addi's wig for Halloween. Let's just say she is dying for Halloween to come!
I am dying over these DARLING bowls! I followed your link to Amanda's and I think I need those crown dishes. I wonder if SGIA can carry that line?!
Oh, and of course YOU can look at my blog all you want, silly. Because you're right- it IS all about YOU! :>
P.S.- Scott used to work for UPS, and his sisters bought me a shirt that says "I fantasize about the UPS man!" Do I need to forward that gem on to you? :>
A-stinkin'-dorable! Those are too fun!
Yeah!!! for your more adorable than life dishes! I'm so glad my post was so helpful to you! :) Your blog & life is the cutest ever ever! I wish we could still go to the card class on Thursday mornings but Emily has school... maybe I'll just come by myself or get Laura to come with me. I hope someday my girlfriends and I can come close to how cute & fun you & your girlies are :)
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