my cute friend,
salon held a
i believe strongly
in this cause,
having lost
my grandma
stylin' pink extension . . .
check it out.
black polish
on my toesies . . .
gangsta -- hard core
i guess you could say i
thunk punk

I love the new rockin' look! Did you get your toes done at Van's Nails?.. I just might have to go copy those toes, so cute! I was going to ask you, how do you like Grey's this year?
i love your toes! supa cute! i got an extension too! i think like half of our ward got them! it looks way cute in your hair!!!
I agree with Becky.
I saw lots of HP members sportin them. They are the perfect size, perfect color.
As for the thUnk pUnk ...
still laughing!!!!
Nice Hair - perfect color and perfect lenght - I think you should keep it in forever! AND - your toes are super cute! Perfect for you for Halloween because they are orangeless!
Oh my so cute. I think I needed a pink extension, but I missed the pink-boat. Dang. Lo-huh-huh-ove the black toes. You punk you.
your punk-esque toes and hair probably look great with your new black and white things. Way to be hardcore. I hope I'm as with it as you are when I grown up. I want to be a cute grandma like you.
The toes are the cutest thing ever! As for the pink, it has been really funny to see peoples reaction. Sherwood said some people asked him about it on the trek, and he said "yeah, I think she is thinking about a tattoo next."lol
I wanna be you when I grow up. You're way more stylish than me! Way to make your toes "Halloween- cute" sans the orange. :o)
Love the pink's awesome! Your toes are pretty cute too!
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