03 November 2007

with a little luck . . .

. . . this . . .. . . plus . . .
. . . this . . . . . . equals this . . .
{with a little help from an
amazing machine quilter
in washington}

. . . even

the back

turned out
cute . . .

. . . is it too early

to hang it up yet?
merry christmas


jckhadlocks said...

Okay I definately need to come over for a lesson on quilt making especially Christmas quilts! So very cute. Do you mind me asking how much did you end up spending on it? Anyway I love it!

Jheri said...

Okay, don't think I could ever do that. In fact I wanted to laugh when I saw that Stephanie Romney called me AMAZING! The most talented, got it together person I know. I could take lessons from you. Cute quilt!

Peg and Parker said...

O.K. Wow! I love it!!! And no, it is not too early to hang up Christmas.
Plus, if I have to I can sing from the musical Mame,
“Yes, we need a little Christmas,
Right this very minute,
Candles at the window,
Carols at the spinet,......
We need a little Christmas now!
Please hang up that fabulous quilt and lets get this party started. K? Love the quilt and the blog. Both darling.

chris+amber said...

I think it'd be a waste to only hang that FLIPPIN' cute quilt for ONE month out of the whole year. I say go for it and Christmas-ify your house NOW! It wouldn't hurt and let's be honest...Thanksgiving decoration ain't anywhere as cute as Christmas decoration!

Unknown said...

That is the cutest quilt I've ever seen - of course it's perfect because you did it. It will look so cute with your Christmas decor - I want to see it all in person! I think it's OK to decorate your whole house for Christmas as of November 1st. I wish I would have done mine this past weekend because one month is not long enough for any cute Christmas decoration.

Suzy Cummard said...

Nevermind the time, I had to check out what allthe talk was about.

I LOVE IT!!! You are totally amazing.

The Fletchies said...

i can't even imagine doing something like this! so many pieces to keep track of. needless to say I'm with the other ladies...in utter awe of your talent.

MichelleY said...

The quilt is amazing as usual. if you want - I could hang it in my house until December for you? Just a thought - but up high of course where the crazies couldn't reach it.

angiedunn said...

That's it...you=a bottomless pit of talent. I was talking to Frani the otha day @ the SB-store about you...were your ears ringing? Well, we just came to the conclusion that you are perfect @ everything you do. The end.

Quilt included. So freakin' cute.

Anonymous said...

For one thing you can hang that stinking cute quilt right this
minute. YOU and the quilt are
practicaly perfect in every way.
Love ya, Frani

Alisse Baldwin said...

Frani looks at blogs? Who knew?!

Anyway, so it looks like my blog has the same layout as yours. (maybe not?) But how did you get yours bigger and spread out? Mine is all crammed into the center and has room on both sides. It perturbs me.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Maybe Frani should get a blog. That would be entertaining. That quilt is amazingness.

Amanda B. said...

Steph, You amaze me! If only I could say that I've made something that ADORABLE! I can only imagine how much work must've gone into that. Well done!