28 February 2008

. . . mind over mattress . . .

. . . it's weird at my house lately . . .
. . . no one leaves for
school or work
early in the morning
any more . . .
{which makes it really tempting to just sleep in & be lazy}
. . . it was definitely one of those days . . .
. . . you know,
the kind where
you might have
stayed up way too late
the night before
{wasn't brooke awesome?}
on the dvr
after getting home
from mutual . . .
. . . then the blasted alarm rings,
you groan
& think real hard about
going back to sleep . . .
. . . but you know
you have an
appointment w/ your trainer . . .
. . . so you roll out,
brush your teeth,
& head down the road . . .
. . . then, crossing over the freeway
you're greeted with
this breathtaking sight . . . & you know for sure that
getting up was exactly
the right thing to do . . .

25 February 2008

. . . birthday wishes {times two} . . .

. . . today marks the
twenty-second anniversary
of the birth of . . .
johnson. . . fun facts about meemers include . . .
fact #1: she is an excellent student
in fact, after 3 1/2 years of college,
majoring in organizational communication,
she maintains a 4.0 gpa
{will someone please give this girl a scholarship? seriously}

fact #2: she is the knower of all

reality tv trivia/celebrity gossip

really, if you need

the latest scoop

just text her

fact #3: she loves text messaging & is a pro

{hopefully, she doesn't do it while driving ~ any more}

fact #4: she met her husband . . .


. . . on a blind date

{courtship included a text messaging "mishap"}
aren't they cute together?

fact #5: she loves to laugh

fact # 5.5: really, there's nothing so
funny as a dog in a sweater
{with a hood}
fact #6: before amelia was born,
i had amber & amanda with me
at the grocery store,
& the clerk asked me
if they were my children {THEY ARE!}
no one has ever asked me that about mimi fact #7: amelia was born
on her grandma's 50th birthday
happy 72nd birthday
to my beautiful mom
fact #8: i have been told
{more than once!}
that i look {a lot} like my mother . . .
you be the judge

fact #9: the uncanny resemblance

between these two portraits

. . .amelia's the one on the right

in this picture of a picture . . .

{which really doesn't work very well}

you might assume

the vintage photo

on the left is me.


the frame is shared by amelia

& her namesake, g-ma davis

fact #10: i ♥love♥ both of these

beautiful women

& wish them

a wonderful day

16 February 2008

. . . together . . .

. . . my definition of a happy day
is when my family is all TOGETHER . . .
. . . we laugh a lot. . . . . . we act really silly . . . . . . we tell funny stories . . .
. . . & drink too much
late at night . . .

. . . but, the happiness you see here is

compared to how i was feeling
an hour earlier . . .

. . . having a wonderful son,

beautiful daughters,

their great husbands,

& my own husband! {hurray!}


in the temple . . .

it was the best feeling ever!

. . . bring on eternity . . .
{we're sorry bill had to miss the fun afterward}
{we love all our friends, extended family,
& ward members who joined us, too}
{i feel certain that if there is food in heaven,

15 February 2008

. . . i looked out the window . . .

. . . and what did i see? . . .
{besides dust on the shutters?}. . . popcorn popping . . .
. . . on the flowering pear tree . . .
{doesn't sound quite right, does it?}

. . . seriously, fall was only 42 days ago . . .

. . . short winter, eh . . .

14 February 2008

. . . eighty♥one . . .

. . . 81 valentine's days ago
♥jack davis♥
was born in the dana maternity home . . .
. . . a midwife assisted, but no doctor . . .. . . unfortunately, he'll be celebrating
his birthday today
in another hospital,
with doctors & nurses
who're taking great care of him . . .

. . . he's even feeling

a little perkier

following a late night

blood transfusion . . .

♥happy valentine's birthday dad♥

11 February 2008

. . . oops! . . .

. . . in the spirit of
{i had to look that up on dictionary.com}
& by popular demand,
here is what i've been up to lately . . .. . . it seems like having babies
is all the rage these days . . .

. . . &, as everyone knows,

babies are messy . . .

a} they drool

b} they spit up

c} they have runny noses

d} & junk

question #1: why not

clean them up

{& protect yourself}

in style?

. . . animal prints are

"must have" this season . . .

question #2: did you know
there was such a thing
as leopard print fringe?
yeah, neither did i 'til recently
. . . here's an all white version -
perfect for blessing day . . .

FYI . . . all oops! begin with

a premium 100% cotton

diaper service quality diaper . . .

. . . embellished

{on both ends, so you look good coming and going}

with 100% cotton chenille,

rick rack, ribbon &/or vintage trims . . .

fact: at a baby shower

over the weekend,

the mom-to-be opened my gift

& proclaimed

"these are the reason

i'm having a baby!"

{i know . . . lofty goals}

. . . here is an actual user of

oops! burp cloths . . .

question #3: doesn't she look jazzed about it?

question #4: don't you wish we could see

how excited her dad looks, too?

***email me

{there's a link up there& to the rightjust above mitt's photo}

if you're interested***

of course, @ only $12 each,

oops! make wonderful gifts

{hey . . . treat yourself, too}

. . . the selection is ever changing

& i could maybe be persuaded/bribed

to do custom orders, too . . .

{with plenty of notice, please!}

08 February 2008

. . . please . . .

. . . in the name of
all that has ever been funny,
take a look at this video ditty . . .
. . . it helped me {a little} . . .
i saw it first here

07 February 2008

. . . time to snap out of it . . .

. . . and seeing
is helping {a lot} . . . . . . i highly recommend having grandkids . . .
if you want to see more
{and who wouldn't?}
go here

06 February 2008

. . . blue . . .

blue describes my mood today

blue like the ties mitt always wears

i'm afraid my state is even turning bluebut looking on the bright side,
the sky today is a lovely shade of blue

spring is coming &
my pear tree is just about to pop
things will look better tomorrow
they always do . . .