14 September 2011

. . . 2012 or bust . . .

. . . romneys gotta represent
at mitt's tempe fundraiser . . .
. . . so bill, his brothers, dick and rob,
and sister, diane,
ventured to the tempe arts center tonight . . .

. . . also present ~ son-in-law brent . . .
{see lower right corner of photo}
. . . and about 800 other folks . . .
. . . mitt was well-spoken ~ as he always is . . .
{have you been watching the debates???}
. . . and pleased to greet his cousins . . .
. . . even mentioning
he doesn't run into many romneys
in massachusetts . . .

. . . another fun fact: willard mitt romney was known as billy romney until he went to kindergarten . . .

{Wikipedia: The youngster was called "Billy" until he reached kindergarten,
when he indicated a preference for "Mitt". Note 1.}

. . . we're totally voting for him . . .


Bill(y) said...

Should have stuck with "Billy"....on the other hand maybe I should change to "Mitt"!

Peg and Parker said...

Yay! Mitt got a shout out from our own personal Romneys. A Romney in the White House.... I really like the sound of that. Can I make cookies for the big inauguration party? Im voting for him too!