. . . today marks the forty-fifth annual
official celebration of grandparents day
here in the u s of a . . .
. . . in honor of the occasion, we went
{bearing unhealthy happy meals}
to spend a little quality time
with our school-aged grandkids . . .
. . . first up, we sat and chatted
with halleigh anne . . .
. . . who's a top-notch third grader . . .
{photo courtesy of third grader, jackson}
. . . next ~ we greeted addison leigh . . .
. . . hard to believe
that she's already in fourth grade . . .
. . . she insisted on bringing
a show-n-tell photo of herself and grampa
from about nine years ago . . .
{photo courtesy of addi's classmate - i wish i could remember her name!}
. . . last, but not least ~ big man on campus . . .
. . . kindergartener tate william . . .
. . . he was super impressed
with his humungousaur toy . . .
{i had never even heard of humungousaur ~ i thought it was the incredible hulk. oopsies.}
. . . since we didn't really trust
the photography skills of five-year-olds . . .
. . . we have no photo of the three of us together . . .
{i'm not so sure we did any better than a kindergartener would have}
. . . so fun to spend time with these three . . .
. . . they're growing up waaaaaaay too fast . . .

loved having bro romney in my house sitting on my couch home teaching us...
also love seeing him sitting with you and those kiddos!
YAY! :)
love you guys.
The kids were on cloud nine. Thanks again for going!
How fun and Bill looks fantastic. What a wonderful miracle. Love and gentle hugs to you both!
i would have thought that was the coolest thing ever back in the day! glad addi, halleigh, tate & all the others have you guys so close by. and even more glad that daddy-o can participate in such activities these days!!!
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