{a repost from three years ago}
. . . knock knock . . .
. . . who's there? . . .
. . . 9/11 . . .
. . . 9/11 who? . . .
. . . you said you'd never forget . . .
. . . i heard that "joke" on the radio this morning
and it got me thinking . . .
i remember:
. . . who's there? . . .
. . . 9/11 . . .
. . . 9/11 who? . . .
. . . you said you'd never forget . . .
. . . i heard that "joke" on the radio this morning
and it got me thinking . . .
i remember:
- waking my family that morning just in time to watch on the morning news as the second tower was hit
- feeling like i'd been slugged in the stomach
- a lovely evening spent dining with great family and friends at the "windows on the world" restaurant two years earlier
- thinking, "oh my goodness, drew was there less than a month ago" on his national boy scout jamboree trip
- panicking because my brother worked in one of the towers {i was unaware that his offices had recently moved to rockefeller center, thank heaven}
- the summer of 1993 visiting that brother at his then world trade center office and walking to lunch past the site of the recent garage car bombing, which was still surrounded by yellow warning tape
- driving 16 hours to fort collins, colorado to attend our newly married daughter's wedding open house - our flight, along with all others, had been grounded
- listening to the car radio - non-stop - for any news of why? who? how could this have happened?
- immediately buying and flying an american flag daily for a long time
. . . i hope i never forget . . .

I know I will never forget. It will be hard for me to forget since it was only 5 days after my wedding. Trying to get on a plane to go on our honeymoon was definitely scary and stressful since it was so soon after 9/11.
Love this post and so excited I won the oops. Coming to Amanda this week so I'll be in touch! Xo
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