. . . i went yesterday to see/hear
a pretty awesome presentation
in a high school classroom . . .
. . . i just wish i had
taken a photo of my niece, courtlyn,
giving her book report . . .
. . . she read "deaf like me" . . .
. . . then she did
a really smart thing . . .
{the teacher apologized to all the other kids in the class because she said
courtlyn's report "was going to blow all of theirs out of the water"}
. . . she brought in her cousin, amber,
as a guest speaker . . .
. . . amber knows a thing or two
about being deaf . . .
. . . she told her story . . .
. . . then she fielded questions
from class members
for over half an hour . . .
. . . questions like "can you talk?" . . .
. . . "how do you know
when your babies are crying?" . . .
. . . and "if you could choose -
would you be deaf or hearing?" . . .
. . . she is a remarkable girl . . .
. . . and she is lucky, because
since she was three years old,
she's had a pretty incredible sister . . .
. . . who very early on
became her spokesperson . . .
. . . that's amanda there ↓
on the front row, right side,
signing to amber . . .
. . . amanda is a really fun voicer . . .
. . . she puts lots of emotion and humor
into her sister's signs . . .
. . . they really are
like moses and aaron . . .
{minus the parting of the red sea ~ so far!}
. . . and extra points
to amanda yesterday . . .
. . . she was interpreting
through the pain . . .

Your girls are darling, and at the very least, impressive. My Megan swam with Amber at Mesa High and loves her--who doesn't? This post warmed my heart!!
I could not be any prouder than I am of ALL of my girls (wife included)! They have been an amazing team. I am truly grateful to have such an example of strength through trial (Amber) and unselfish support (Steph, Amanda, and Amelia). I specifically remember that when I gave Amanda her baby blessing, I pled that she would be as Aaron was to Moses.
I came to the perfect family for me. I love to think of Amanda as my Jack to Marlee and my Anne to Helen. Aaron to Moses is my favorite thus far. Why didn't I think of that before?! XO
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