. . . seems like most kids
have a favorite blanket . . .
. . . mine all did . . .
. . . amelia was my least picky
blankie lover . . .
. . . when she was a baby,
my neighbors and i
treated ourselves
to diaper service . . .
{we went green before it was cool to go green ~ save our landfills!}
. . . i can still remember the scent
of those
freshly laundered deliveries . . .
. . . seriously heaven . . .
. . . unfortunately,
i can still remember the odor
{there's a definite difference between scent and odor!}
of the diapers waiting
to be picked up and returned . . .
. . . i would hate to drive that truck ~
especially in the summer! . . .
. . . i digress . . .
. . . amelia's favorite security blanket
was a cloth diaper . . .
. . . any cloth diaper . . .
. . . and so,
i must confess,
i probably never returned
as many diapers
as i received . . .
. . . she toted those things around
everywhere she went . . .
. . . my neighbors most likely still have
in their stash of cleaning rags
the remnants
of an abc diaper service prefold . . .
. . . sorry abc diaper service . . .
. . . anyway . . .
. . . amelia called a few days ago
to say that her little guy, colby,
is very attached to his blankie . . .
. . . he may or may not
stand at the dryer door
and cry on laundry day . . .
{the apple does not fall far from the tree}
. . . and could i please make him
a backup taggy blankie . . .
. . . a little larger
than the one he has . . .
. . . always up for a challenge,
i got right on it . . .
. . . and if you buy
enough fabric to make one,
you automatically have
enough to make three . . .
. . . or six . . .
. . . or twelve . . .
. . . which means a lot of tags . . .
. . . and a lot of sneezing . . .
. . . minkee sheds
and flies everywhere . . .
. . . but we apparently have one satisfied customer . . .
. . . so far . . .
. . . all twelve
slinkee minkee oops! blankees
are available for purchase . . .
{except for the one i gave colby,
and the one i gave cameron,
and the one i'm sending to hayden}
. . . they are microfiber minkee fleece
on one side . . .
. . . 100% polyester satin
on the other side . . .
. . . the boy versions
are about 17" square . . .
. . . the girls' measure
at a more petite 15" square . . .
. . . the boy versions
are about 17" square . . .
. . . the girls' measure
at a more petite 15" square . . .
. . . they each have
about 28-32 satin ribbon tags
triple stitched for extra security . . .
. . . they are very touchable . . .
. . . and they don't smell bad . . .

Brilliant! Necessity is the mother of invention!
Cute as can be!
I love them! And diapers? I loved hanging those things outside. I swear I think I would still do that if I had a baby (gassssssssppppp!) today. I still hang out everything else.
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