. . . my poor husband . . .
. . . the human pincushion . . .
. . . especially today . . .
{i'm just the designated driver}
. . . first up this morning was
a trip to the hospital for a
{dye was injected into his spinal column,
they waited for it to flow up into the cervical area,
then they pretty much stood him on his head and took images}
. . . and then just for fun,
while they were at it,
a CT scan w/ contrast . . .
{more like an MRI - lying on a narrow table
that slides into a narrow tube
where xrays beam in a spiral around you}
. . . all of this because it appears
the cervical fusion he had
about eighteen years ago,
following a car accident
that caused a disc to rupture,
is starting to collapse,
causing neck pain,
knots under his shoulder blades
and headaches . . .
. . . in the words of my brother-in-law,
"bill's life {stinks}" . . .
{i changed that last word}
. . . my brother-in-law is right . . .
. . . after that fun morning
at the hospital,
this afternoon's highlight
was an episode
of blood spinning . . .
{all the cool professional athletes do this ~
{they also cheat on their wives ~ not cool}
. . . this time the focus
was on a slightly lower portion
of his spine . . .
. . . a large vial of blood
was drawn from his arm . . .
. . . then it was spun
in this fancy machine . . .
. . . the best part of the blood ~
known as PRP {platelet-rich plasma}
~ was then injected
into the injured area . . .
. . . in my husband's case ~
his dumb tailbone . . .
. . . here's bill telling me
"you don't need to blog about this" . . .
. . . ummmm ~ has he met me? . . .
. . . here's the amazing
dr. michael wolff . . .
. . . he checked the ultrasound screen
for correct placement . . .
. . . then there was
that really large needle . . .
. . . no one can ever accuse bill
of not trying anything and everything
that might have the remotest chance
of healing him . . .
. . . the man is a saint . . .
. . . a saint who is in tremendous pain
every single moment
of every single day . . .
. . . please forgive this departure
from the usual posting
about sewing, cooking, yardwork,
parties and grandkids,
but this is a big part of my life, too . . .
. . . unfortunately . . .

Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and Bill. My brother also suffers from chronic back pain from a accident years ago, coupled with a couple of bouts with cancer. He lives with lots of pain every day and I widh there was something we could do for all of those that suffer with this. Until then I continue to pray for them and their doctors. Take care.
Medical technology! They don't miss a spot. I had my first cat scan just yesterday and the big tube reminded me of the movie 'Time Machine' with all the whirring. I was disapointed when it stopped and I was still in 2013. :)
i work at a neurology office, I know how horrific this stuff is, poor bill
My son who is a doctor says this is a really neat procedure
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