. . . proud grammy last saturday . . .
. . . proud mama today . . .
. . . our cheering section gathered . . .
. . . complete with signs . . .
. . . and max the mascot puppy . . .
{tate, addi, amanda, halleigh, nikki, tagg, chris & max}
{please notice chris' expert bomb shading on that green sign}
. . . i mean who wouldn't be excited
to see a group like this? . . .
. . . especially already
eighteen miles
into the race? . . .
. . . amber and her good friend, jenny,
stuck together the whole morning . . .
. . . their hair in twinsie topknots . . .
. . . jenny in neon salmon and
amber in charcoal . . .
{if you live in mesa, you should be able to identify this intersection.
clue at the three o'clock position}
. . . riding in the car
with these two pyschos
was quite
the early morning experience . . .
. . . loud rap music
with the windows down
for passing runners' pleasure . . .
{and lots of car dancing}
. . . and, yes, the runners were
definitely passing vehicles . . .
. . . the traffic was bananas . . .
{amanda and nikki had no problem recalling their pep rally sign making skills}
{let me interpret the finger spelling for you: H-E-R-O}
. . . the next time we saw them
was at the finish line . . .
. . . side by side . . .
. . . champs, definitely . . .
. . . amber was very appreciative . . .
. . . she said her previous marathons
{two in yuma, one in san diego, and one in st. george}
were kind of lonely . . .
. . . even though this was
{HER words - not mine}
her P.W.
{personal worst}
time . . .
. . . this proud mama
had tears in her eyes . . .
. . . again . . .

She's a rockstar. I'm so impressed. Go amber! Ps. Her Christmas gear looks great!
That's what punishment in h.e.l.l. would be for me. That or cooking every meal for people. Both traits I admire mucho but have no desire to do. Rock on Rambo. You are da bomb.
she is a m a z i n g!
YOU GO GIRL!!! I would love to be a runner, it would register on the Richter scale ;)
Congrats! I kept 'bumping' into the runners in several places yesterday morning. I had to go to downtown Mesa for an errand and they were everywhere. I'm envious, but not jealous. I couldn't do it. I've never been a good runner. I walk lots, though. :)
WOW!! So impressed. I could not do that!! This mama would have tears in her eyes also!
I really lucked out in the family & friends dept. Time passed by faster seeing you guys throughout the course. SO. FUN. Thank you again.
Brown and Stapley, I drive through that intersection everyday! I totally got held up in traffic on my way to work! I'm pretty impressed by marathon runners!!
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