. . . remember this amazing talk by president uchtdorf? . . .
. . . it was last october when he said . . .
. . . "we each have an inherent wish
to create something
that did not exist before" . . .
. . . and "what you create
{good thing!}
. . . when he encouraged us to create . . .
. . . do you think he meant
during conference? . . .
{i know. orange.}
{also new to me ~ binding clips. genius.
and much less painful than pins.}

Yes! He did mean during conference and uh...what the new quilt there that I haven't seen yet? I love it! You have really Uchtdorfed this time girl. Please bring all those to group this week yea? Ah.. the creative process!
Yes he did mean during conference, because, you see, we stay awake if we keep our hands busy.
i think orange is secretly growing on you. you just won't admit it. :o) i saw those clips and thought they were amelia's for her new flower clips. you're ingenious!
Love everything you do. I did not have a conference project this year and had to pay 100% attention. I guess the lord knows what we need and this year I needed to listen. I will not let this happen again.
I have to be doing something during conference too....love your binder clips......you're a pretty smart cookie!
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