. . . last month-ish,
i was saying to my husband,
"everytime i think about repainting,
there's an eight thousand pound elephant
in the room" . . .
. . . and he said, "i can move" . . .
. . . and then i had
the best laugh i've had
in a long time . . .
. . . you can ask him . . .
. . . he was hilarious
and didn't even mean to be . . .
. . . what i was, of course, referring to were
my luscious green countertops . . .
. . . which i really did love at the time . . .
. . . fourteen years ago . . .
{hello, missionary bowlers!}
. . . well, we went ahead and painted anyway . . .
. . . but it wasn't quite right . . .

looks soooo good. I love when you get to re-do something that has been bugging for along time. you deserve it.
me likey! it looks sooooo good! that story made me chuckle too. dad can be mr. funny man.
looks nice, good choice.
Wow, I love the new look. All fresh and new. I'm kind of getting inspired here. Way to go Steph and Co.
I love it....is there a room in your home that sucks? Ihope so cuz I would feel better about mine.......
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