. . . bad news: i'm not sure why . . .
possible causes/contributing factors:
•seven days without diet coke
{so far ~ which probably explains my illness}
•many hours lying on the couch - feet elevated
•inevitable dehydration due to "flu-like" symptoms
{and i think you know what i'm talking about}
. . . good news: today i put on makeup . . .
{first time since saturday}
. . . bad news: it didn't really help . . .
{i still "feel like complete $#!+, ferris"}
. . . good news: i've been catching up on lots of dvr'd shows . . .
. . . bad news: recording ended early - out of space . . .
. . . good news: multiple dvrs . . .
. . . bad news: tracey is still {!!!!!} around . . .
{doing nothing, but still losing weight and wreaking havoc}
. . . good news {for tracey}: coach mo took a bullet for her . . .
. . . bad news: see previous bad news . . .

Yay! You are among the living! Sorry you got round two and sorry that biggest loser was so out there and hard to watch. That might even keep you sick! So when is Tracey going to bite the dust. I was sure it was her ticket home last night, but alas.
Diet Coke is the best medicine ever. One a day never hurt anyone. Get back on that!
good news: glad you're on the mend finally. being sick s u k s. bad news: i have cankles every night now too due to meds i'm on. no fun at all.
good news: dvr's.
bad news: when the hard drive crashes and everything you've ever saved goes out the door with the box and the non-caring cable guy.
also - please don't scare me again with photos that large of Tracey. makes me want to punch my monitor and i really don't want to purchase a new one.
tracey can burn for all i care.
and drew told me to tell you - "you'd feel a lot better if you'd just quit coughin'" (be sure to say in a real ugly voice).
I am just sooooo sorry you have been so sick. Take care, yo.
Glad your feeling better. I think Tracy is a plant! No one is that lucky and that stupid.
hope you feel better soon :) isn't one diet coke a day like an aspirin...better than medicine? p.s. maybe cankles are contagious cause i've got some sweet ones.
AAGHH! TRACY! We are about to boycott the show because she is so CRAZY!
This post perfectly sums up why I love you and emulate you to no end. You are HIlARIOUS and so...awesome. You're the best!!
I'm with Shellene on the SCARY TRACY picture......
woah mmmmammaaammmmaaaaa
and its not even Halloween yet!
btw, sorry to hear you were sick, glad to hear you are better.
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