. . . i find myself thinking
about all the wonderful acts of service
of which we've been on the receiving end . . .
. . . and i am humbled and so so so SO grateful . . .
•no charge home repairs
•freshly baked treats
•anonymously delivered flowers
•computer genius help
•resurrecting a long since dead drip system
•pulling up to the drive through window at sonic,
only to find that someone in front of me
had already paid for my route 44 diet coke
{extra ice, please}
•heavens ~ even painters
. . . talk about your warm fuzzies! . . .
. . . then, THEN . . .
. . . when I went to pick up my dry cleaning yesterday,
i was told there'd be no charge . . .
. . . "already paid by someone else" . . .

. . . and i realize that i need to ask myself
"have I helped anyone in need?"
a lot more often . . .

See, people can be nice!...
Tears in my eyes at work. Thanks!
Tender! Yay awesome Vista customers!
You help me smile every day.
think about it...
people wouldn't do this for you if they didn't love you so much. There must be a reason why people love you so much... and I'm pretty sure it's because you're ALWAYS willing to help. I'm pretty sure you're at every wedding reception in the back serving, you've helped me multiple times.. you're one of the best YW Leaders in the world...
Trust me... YOU are incredible. And we LOVE you. And your family. :)
maybe i'll stop saying "sometime i'll try", especially after this sweet reminder. thanks, mom.
and amber veater is right...people are so willing to help you because they know you'd do the same for them. you da bomb.
After conference we asked each kid at dinner what they could remember....Bergen said, "Warm Fuzzies." And you know what...if that's all he got out of conference....it's a success!
Wow, you even did it again @ quilt group today! You know what I mean. You totally rock Steph. It's just how you roll. Thanks for the great example. Heart, Peg
wow...i agree with amber & amanda...it's because people know you'd do the same if roles were reversed. nice how i read this post after reading nienie's post today. i need to go wash my makeup off now.
conference was awesome and I ♥ the warm fuzzy talk......people love you so much or they wouldn't do this......you are amazing! Thank you for making me think today of all that is done for us as well....I take way to much for granted........here's a warm fuzzy hug from me to you.....
maybe I read this and cried...glad there's good in the world and that its aimed at you :)
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