. . . meet sue sylvester . . .
. . . coach of the cheerios . . .
. . . my favorite tv character these days . . .

. . . tonight, on the season finale, when she said,
"i'm going to my condo in boca to brown up a bit" . . .
. . . yes, i had a "diet coke out the nose" moment . . .
. . . can't wait for new episodes next spring . . .

My latest obsession. Love it. Anybody want a slushie?
I too am a fan of "Glee". I haven't figured out which one of the characters is my favorite. They all sort of have their moments! BTW I finally heard "Oh Holy Night" by Michael Crawford for the first time this year...All the other times it was Josh. Well, my vote is M.C. for a couple of reasons...I love his voice (Josh's is good too but there's just a quality thing I hear more in M.C.) and I think M.C.sings it with more conviction. Nothing against Josh...I'll give him my vote for "If you just believe...".
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