24 March 2012

. . . wc . . .

. . . water closet:
a compartment or room
with a toilet . . .
. . . meaning: this room
does not currently qualify . . .

. . . as you can see . . .

. . . what? . . .
. . . you don't keep your toilet
on the back porch? . . .

. . . so . . .
. . . while you were watching
a midnight showing
of the hunger games . . .

. . . i turned into
a beadboard painting machine . . .

. . . one coat of primer . . .
. . . then four coats of semi-gloss . . .
. . . and i've only just begun . . .

{totally open to suggestions for a color
to paint the top portion of the walls . . . help!}


Peg and Parker said...

Kinda hard to use that toilet on the back porch, eh? What color you ask? Well I'm pretty sure it wont be orange. Final answer!

MichelleY said...

light blue/grey is always nice. good luck with the makeover, can't wait to see the end result :)

Martha said...

Did you put up the bead board and molding? Wow, that looks great!