. . . draw something . . .
. . . it's a game
my children enjoy playing
on their iPhones . . .
. . . i'm a hold out
since i'm still trying
to get the hang of
words with friends . . .
. . . and {more likely}
since i can't draw
worth a darn . . .
. . . but, boy howdy,
do i have admiration and respect
for those who were blessed
with artistic genes
in the area of drawing . . .
. . . i came across
both these videos
yesterday . . .
. . . i bring you
one of my favorite artists . . .
. . . mary engelbreit . . .
. . . in action . . .
. . . love the music
and her eyebrows at the end . . .
. . . the second video
also features an artist . . .
. . . i don't know his name . . .
. . . i do know that i believe
in the film's message . . .
. . . i hope you'll watch
and enjoy . . .
. . . and maybe
get out your coloring book
and crayons . . .
. . . and draw something . . .

My kids play it too, funny how a game takes over for a while.
What great videos! Very entertaining to watch them draw and create. Thanks for sharing.
Something about watching people draw relaxes me. Maybe that's why Halleigh loves drawing so much. We all know she could use moments of relaxation every now and then. Those artists are amazing.
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