. . . remember when
there used to be newspapers? . . .
. . . local newspapers? . . .
. . . papers where
you could read about
who won the junior high school
football game? . . .
. . . papers where
you could find out about
babies recently born? . . .
. . . papers where
engagements and marriages
were announced? . . .
. . . that was pretty much
a lifetime ago . . .
. . . and these newspaper clippings
have aged . . .
. . . right along with
the people pictured . . .
. . . here's our
engagement announcement . . .
{oops! i really graduated in 1975, but who's counting?
proof that you can't believe everything you read!}
. . . they even listed
my parents' address . . .
. . . i love that
our temple marriage certificate
bears the signatures
of our two fathers
as witnesses . . .
. . . i miss them both . . .
. . . temple president
{at that time}
junius driggs
performed our ceremony . . .
. . . it was coincidence
that several years later,
his journals were being transcribed
by a woman
who was our neighbor . . .
. . . she came across this entry
and shared it with us . . .
. . . then this little article
about our happy day
was published
in the mesa tribune . . .
. . . that was thirty-three years ago . . .
. . . today, i love my husband
even more . . .
. . . our life together
has had its share of challenges,
for sure . . .
. . . but those challenges
are far outweighed
by blessings . . .
{additional anniversary posts

What a beautiful post!!!! I just scanned my engagement announcement out of the paper yesterday myself.........I love that you have that from President Driggs.....very cool.....and I feel blessed too having both father's signatures on ours as well.......those are precious documents.......HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU TWO LOVE BIRDS!!!!!!!
Super sweet tribute. Congrats to you both. I love love this post. It will be 33 for me and my husband this year, too. 'Twas a good year that 1979.
Being in the newspaper makes you famous, right? You two are so cute in those photos. I wish you Congratulations on thirty three down, Eternity to go! You two make it look easy. You are a great example to all us: A couple who stays, prays, works, plays, and toughs it out together with a smile on your faces. Plus you both have great hair, then and now!
This is proof that I was a born salesman! How I got this beautiful girl to marry me was the best sales job EVER! I am guessing she had no idea what she was getting into. Stephanie, thank you for taking care of your "hobbled husband" for the last several years. I love you!
Happy anniversary!! You guys are cute. And I wish they still documented these events in newspapers. I love it.
I am sure glad you two kids married. Dad's comment made me smile. President Driggs' journal entry is awesome. Happy anniversary!
Hubby & I will celebrate our 33rd next month too. Time flies, huh?
Congratulations! look how cute you both are! What a milestone.
(We celebrate 34 in November)
Happy anniversary and congrats on all those years together! I loved the notes from Pres. Driggs. He married me too!
Sure glad you two got together! I miss the old days of real newspapers. It's ust not the same online. Happy anniversary and best wishes for many more!
Love the properness of it all. I think, just for fun, we should all have to start going by our middle names when we turn 50. Here's to Orin and Victoria. Sounds so regal! Happy Anniversary. We've spent many of those 33 years right here together and I've been blessed by that association.
You two make such a cute couple!!!!....love all the newspaper clippings...I do miss those days:)
Congratulations on your 33 years!!!...Mr. Honey and I are 3 behind you:)
precious!!! romney fam = generations of supermodels. ♥
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