. . . i love ivy . . .
{side story: i would have loved to name a child ivy. in four times of expecting a baby, only once did i know the gender of the child before it was born. i always told myself they were boys, because i wanted so badly for them to be girls. we had three girls in a row. seven months into my fourth pregnancy, i had an ultrasound. not because i needed one, but because my husband was going to die if it wasn't a boy. fortunately, it was. so, there went my plan for naming a child ivy, because ivy is a funny name for a boy, plus all my kids' names begin with "a". given the opportunity, i could have made it work, though. something like aye-vee. how's that? PLUS . . . i would totally have called my ivy "four" as in IV in roman numerals}
. . . i love ivy . . .
. . . i have it growing
in pots on my front porch,
and in the planter
under the flowering pear tree . . .
. . . i've always been a sucker
for the floral
and houseplant department
at the grocery store . . .
. . . i wish i knew
how many times
i've bought
a beautiful potted ivy plant
~ hanging basket, topiary, etc. ~
on my weekly
"grocery" shopping trip . . .
. . . the answer is: quite a few . . .
. . . those plants always look great
in the kitchen ~ until . . .
. . . they don't any more . . .
. . . so one time when i had
several of them that were
"mostly dead" . . .
{quick! name that movie!}
. . . i tried an experiment . . .
. . . i've got a planter
between the house and
the storage/pool bath building . . .
. . . and it only gets
this much sun every day . . .
{about three or four feet. see?}
. . . so i stuck
the sad/dying/leggy/trashworthy
ivy plants in the ground there . . .
. . . about six of them . . .
. . . success . . .
. . . just the right amount
of sun/shade apparently . . .
. . . because now ivy
grows like a weed there . . .
. . . since i pruned it last fall,
it's grown about 12"-18"
over the sidewalk . . .
. . . surrounding the a/c unit . . .
. . . sending runners
through the vents . . .
. . . and, i'm no expert,
but i don't think it's a good idea
for it to be growing
inside there . . .
. . . so today was the day . . .
. . . what with this
probably being the last
sub-ninety-degree day
till, oh, i don't know ~
say, christmas? . . .
. . . my pruning party
was even interrupted
by a little precipitation . . .
. . . how nice is that? . . .
. . . okay ~ rain delay over . . .
. . . back to work . . .
. . . then i turned the corner
and kept going . . .
. . . the pittosporum
needed a trim, too . . .
. . . the sidewalk is reclaimed . . .
. . . the air conditioner
has been freed . . .
. . . and it doesn't look
like an abandoned property
any more . . .
. . . the green trash can
is full to overflowing . . .
{and ~ maybe i can convince one of my children
to name a little girl ivy}
to name a little girl ivy}

Princess Bride, duh! Oh, and Aye Vee would have worked just fine, but I'm glad Drew was born instead. fun post! You rock.
Best experiment project ever. It looks amazing and so pretty. I'm a fan of the name Ivy too. Sorry, but you will not be getting an Ivy from me. Weep not, you still have a chance with your other 3 offsprings.
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