. . . happy tax day,
my friends . . .
. . . the nice folks at sonic
~ bless their hearts ~
want to put a little sunshine
into what might otherwise be
a cloudy day . . .
. . . it's happy hour
all day today . . .

. . . wishing you
many happy returns . . .
. . . make mine
a route 44 diet coke
with extra ice, please . . .

Uh.... yes, Please! I'm so doing that today, maybe twice! I
and lime slices thank you.
That's exactly what I have--but usually with one or two slices of lime!! Happy tax (or "sick to your stomach day" per my hubby) day!
Dang, I missed the train on this one, huh? I could've used a diet cranberry limeade. Oh well. It's not like I have a Sonic literally around the corner from me like you do. Lucky duck.
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