. . . i was privileged to listen
to a really sweet
relief society lesson today . . .
. . . the teacher was well prepared
and you could tell she'd studied,
prayed, and sought
to say exactly what
the spirit would have her
tell us . . .
. . . many class members participated
in very personal ways . . .
. . . i love my ward
and am so blessed
for the associations
i've enjoyed here
for many years . . .
. . . the lesson was
based on one of my favorite talks
from the most recent
general conference . . .
. . . i bet it might be
one of your favorites, too . . .
. . . here's the meat of it . . .
{free printable available at thisisnick.com}
. . . and here's the entire talk . . .
. . . as luck would have it,
i listened to this one
before church today . . .
. . . the message is timeless . . .
. . . one i need to hear occasionally . . .
{sidenote: what the heck is up with the new blogger format?????
and why did they automatically change it without asking me?
i'd just barely figured out the old style!}

LOVED this talk...how fun to have a RS lesson on it already!
And yes, Blogger has me very confused right now...thought I had the old layout figured out...and now I'm learning all over again!
If you get things figured out with Blogger, I want to be invited over for a tutorial. I'm ready to rip my hair out. Half the things I tried to do would not work.
Such an amazing talk:)
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